Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Why the Lies Mr Obama?

There is very compelling evidence that the Mainstream Media is avoiding like the plague that Mr Obama's Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) is in fact a forgery.

This COLB appeared on a far left blog, Daily Kos, see it here. Obama's campaign came out and confirmed that it was his legitamate COLB.

Now it appears it is all a fabrication. If Obama was not born in the USA he cannot be El Presidente. If he was born here then why lie about the COLB? We need answers Mr Obama.

To see the compelling evidence in full forensic science detail then visit Atlas Shrugs.


Tanner said...

Now that's strange and unexpected.

Armed Citizen said...

Watch your back Dan! Dont question the Obama. The Obama is the best thing to ever happen to America. ugh/!, even in sarcasm that is not easy to say. Part of me cant believe he could get this far without real proof of being a citizen. Then I look around at everything else the left has done and then think anything is possible. How great it would be to just disqualify him a few days before the election because of not meeting the constitutional requirements. Would the liberals then try and say the constitutional requirements are unfair?