Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pelosi and the Dem Horde are WUSSES

I was going to post this yesterday but that would have made 2 posts in one day. I don't want to look like an overachiever.

So we have this little oil problem - it costs way to much. And a solution that I think is reasonable would be to suck that black gold out of the ground or water here in the good ole US of A. Let us forget all the arguments for or against drilling. Let us instead focus on the fact that the Dems are too chicken to even let the matter come to a vote. It is such a problem for them that they are afraid to introduce a spending bill for fear someone will amend it with drilling for oil.

I can't seem to find the words to describe how spineless and childish Pelosi is acting.

The Wahington Post even questions, "If drilling opponents really have the better of this argument, why are they so worried about letting it come to a vote? "

Read the entire Washington Post article.

Any Dems out there want to stand up for your party and explain why they are too yellow to vote on the matter?

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