I enjoy quoting Elder Ezra Taft Benson. Each Apostle in our Church has had strengths in various areas of science, arts, politics, philosophy, etc. Benson excelled in shouting out for the Constitution of the United States.
Below are a few quotes that give me pause. The title of my post is the title of a speech given in 1963 by Elder Benson. This was shortly after the JFK assassination.
"It was communism that sowed the seeds of treason in the mind of President Kennedy's accused assassin. This is something that must not be forgotten.
In fact, this harsh historical fact should have served as a shock therapy to that segment of our population who like to call themselves 'liberals.' America is big enough to make room for many different kinds of thinking, but many liberals have claimed to see virtues in socialism and communism which I, for one, have not been able to find. To promote their ideas, American liberals have become a highly organized, hardcore establishment in the United States and they have been excusing their appeasement and coddling of communism on the ground that they were being 'tolerant,' 'broadminded,' and 'working for peace.'"
This is the thinking of the left. I know there are liberals that aren't this far left. I also know there are RINOs on the Right. This doesn't change the fact that the left wing establishment is rife with socialists and ideology that permeates with tolerance. They want us to abide by UN charters and international law. One CANNOT wholly abide by these and the Constitution of the United States.
Liberals are communists and hippies that want to force the world to all get along and play by their rules. They are conspirators at the highest level with the intent to rob you and I of our GOD GIVEN rights so that they may gain more power. They take God out of the schools and the courthouses. They claim tolerance when what they tolerate is only that which is for them and gives them more power. Free Thinking people who rely on their Creator are something that they cannot tolerate. They need more people to rely on them for sustenance so that their voter base cannot do anything but continue to vote for them. They hide behind this tolerance and create such monsters such at 'political correctness'. This is an attempt to limit free speech.
For the hardcore liberal socialism in any form is the preferred society. They want us to be tolerant of criminals, terrorists, mothers that choose to abort their babies, and drug addicts.
To quote Elder Benson in the same speech:
"The liberals hope you'll believe them when they tell you how anti-communist they are. But they become alarmed if you really inform yourself on the subject of socialistic-communism. For after you inform yourself you might begin to study the liberal voting record. And this study would show you how much the liberals are giving aid and comfort to the enemy and how much the liberals are actually leading America towards socialism itself.
For communism is just another form of socialism, as is fascism. So now you can see the picture. These liberals want you to know how much they are doing for you - with your tax money of course. But they don't want you to realize that the path they are pursuing is socialistic and socialism is the same as communism in its ultimate effect on our liberties. When you point this out, they want to shut you up - they accuse you of maligning them, of casting aspersions, of being political. No matter whether they label their bottle as liberalism, progressivism, or social reform - I know then contents of the bottle is poison to this Republic, and I'm going to call it poison."
The USSR is no more but socialism in all its forms is very much rampant in this world today. Call it what you want. Even the terrorists want socialism - they want us all to be like them, to live like them, to pray like them - or die.
If liberals are socialists and terrorists support socialism as well then you would think that terrorists and states that sponsor terrorism would have an active interest in the liberal agenda of the left right? Well of course - take a look at this little gem from yesterday in the World Net Daily:
"Members of the most active West Bank terror organization are set to serve in security forces being deployed to protect Sen. Barack Obama during his trip to the West Bank tomorrow, WND has learned.
Obama is due to visit Israeli officials in Jerusalem and leaders of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank city of Ramallah as part of a wider Middle Eastern and European tour that includes Jordan, France and Germany.
According to security officials coordinating deployments of forces with the PA for Obama's Ramallah visit, members of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's declared military wing, have been called upon by the PA to participate in the protection of Obama, particularly in securing the perimeter during a scheduled meeting with PA President Mahmoud Abbas.
The Brigades is listed as a terror organization by the U.S. State Department. The group took credit along with the Islamic Jihad terror organization for every suicide bombing in Israel between 2005 and 2006 and is responsible for thousands of shootings and rocket firings. Statistically, the Al Aqsa Brigades perpetuated more terrorism from the West Bank than Hamas, according to the Israeli Defense Forces."
All I can say is WHAT THE HELL! I could go on and on about how the terrorists closely watch our politics - you can bet they want a liberal Congress and a liberal President. You can bet they want 'tolerance' from us. They want us to rollover and die - they want us to leave our borders unprotected. They want us to have better gun control too.
Is this all just right-wing whacked out conspiracy theory? What are your thoughts?
Monday, July 21, 2008
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You asked, "Is this all just right-wing whacked out conspiracy theory?" Heck no I say. The enemies of America would like nothing more than Obama in power. He has no moral compass and is influenced by whichever way the liberal winds are blowing. He is now taking a center right positions in order to fool conservative thinking Americans who "know" what they are getting with Mccain. He has no plans of being a center anything. His views are so far left even Jesse Jackson and the Clintons are worried about him. BEWARE AMERICA
Did you know that Pres. Benson was very much apposed the VN war. And said so many times. I believe true consertivism includes a very restricted view of who we are going to war for and with. If economic factors become involved then anyone can prevoke us. We must be very careful in this regards. I have been persoally apposed to the Iraq war, but keep my mouth shut because I feel that other conservatives mistake my position as liberal.
I would very much like to see a reference to Elder Benson being opposed to the Viet Nam War.
I do agree that we shouldn't go to war over any issue. I don't believe Iraq to be a economic or financially motivated war. We are pouring in our money and our soldiers to defend the freedom of Iraq and really the world - we must stand up against terrorism.
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