Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Video: Barry O and Saving 3-4% Energy

Barry Obama insists that we can save 3-4% Energy by insuring our tires are properly inflated. Funny how did he calculate that? Does the Annointed One have the power of knowing how many cars in America are running on underinflated tires? And for that matter just how underinfalted they are? He sure can speak and get the people on their feet though.


Rach =o) said...

Unbelievable. My new conclusion. He's Retarted.

Jed said...

Have you not heard? He is the next Messiah.

At least that is what the liberal media wants us to think. If ANY one else had said this, the media would have crucified them. Sorry for that reference.

Jed said...

Obama is a socialist and no one will admit it. Just look at who he has hung with the last 20 years. And I would not be surprised to see "The United States Department of Tire Pressure Regulation and enforcement"

Jeremy said...

I will just have to switch to running my car on tweels to eliminate the possibility of being sentenced to prison for failure to check and keep my tire pressure regulated!!! Seriously, dosn't this guy have a tech advisor? Everyone that's anyone knows that airless tires known as tweels are the future.