Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Get One of These and Save the Planet and the US Economy - Be a Part of the Solution!

Once I get one I can start fixing our dependence on foreign oil and reduce the cost of fuel. Weeeeeeeee!!!

You can get one by donating $25 to the McCain Campaign. That is a small price to pay in the name of saving the planet and the US Economy.

Of course there is another way to reduce dependence on oil that is just as valid as checking your tire pressure. Recycle. Many plastics use crude oil in their manufacture. Every ton (that is 2000 lbs or about 15,120 empty milk jugs) of plastic you recycle saves 685 gallons of crude oil. Woooot! Finally a plan that will save the economy and the planet at the same time. Now to do a few more calculations we need some numbers... In 2007 the US consumed 7.55 billion barrels of oil. The US produced 1.86 billion barrels of oil (click here for more oil figures). That is over 70% dependence on imported oil. In the 1970s our dependence was close to 20% so lets aim for that, as 0% is too unrealistic at this point. So 20% of 7.55 billion is 1.51 billion barrels. Subtract from our 2007 oil consumption our 2007 oil production and the 20% dependence we find acceptable and this is the equation:

7.55 billion - 1.86 billion - 1.51 billion = 4.18 billion barrels of oil that we need to conserve in our recycling program.

for those who don't know a barrel of crude oil is equal to 42 gallons so we convert from barrels to gallons we get 175,560,000,000 gallons of crude oil we need to conserve.

Each ton of plastic recycled (again 15,120 milk jugs) conserves 685 gallons of oil. That means we need to recycle approximately 256,291,971 tons of plastic or the equivalent of 3,875,134,598,540 milk jugs. Never fear fair citizens of the land this plan will work because we will pass a law requiring that every man, woman, and child recycle all plastics. Coercion in the name of saving the planet is a good thing. That means each individual will need to personally recycle, under pain of prosecution, 12,868 TONS of plastic EACH YEAR. A family of 9 like I have would need to recycle the equivalent of 1,751,107,156 milk jugs a year.

Sounds ludicrous because it is - just like Obama's energy plan.

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