Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our Nation's Motto: Do you know what it is?

"In God We Trust".

Do we? Do we base our political views on our religious beliefs? Should we?

For me the answer is clear. We should trust in the Lord in all we do. We should rely on Him. Captain Moroni was a strong patriot that believed in the Lord and gave all glory to God. His political views were very strong to the point that all who opposed freedom (the king men) were put to death. It was treason. All who oppose freedom and all who oppose protecting life and liberty are people that want more power. More power only comes in this form by relying on the trust in man not God. Satan wants us to take power and rights from those around us.

Our nation's motto is "In God We Trust". While our Founding Fathers were very religious it was not them that instituted this motto. The original motto was "E Pluribus Unum" adopted in 1782 by Congress.

In God We Trust first appeared on coinage in 1865 the final year of the Civil War on the 2 cent piece pictured above. It was later added to other coins and paper bills over time. It was in the 20th century that "In God We Trust" became our nation's motto. It was also in the 20th century that the words "under God" were added to the Pledge of Allegiance.

Clearly the belief in God and in trusting in Him was common from the Founding Fathers through the Civil War and into the first half of the 20th century. What has happened? From my experience with the people in the Midwest is that many many people are still God fearing people that believe in freedom and liberty. The voice of opposition has simply gotten stronger and louder. Satan rails at all sides all day and all night. His followers increase in number and strength.

We need to remember to Trust in God and to stop giving away power to those whose interests are selfish and motivated by removing freedoms and adding to their own power.

It was in 1861 that Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P Chase, wrote the following to James Pollock, the director of the Philadelphia Mint:

Dear Sir: No nation can be strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His defense. The trust of our people in God should be declared on our national coins.
You will cause a device to be prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing in the fewest and tersest words possible this national recognition.

Let us all be inspired to be strong in the strength of God. Let us all declare it to be our belief and not shrink from those that scorn.


Jeremy said...

I feel obligated to leave a dorky comment: Dan, Thanks for sharing your 2 cents .... piece. I wish I had 2 cents to share, but they apparently don't make 2 cents anymore so I am therfore bankrupt of all 2 cents.

In other less retarded commentary... I agree wholeheartedly. The word "We" brings to mind another famous phrase as in "We the people..." and I think WE should lynch anyone as traitors who do not trust in God yet feel they are entitled to the rights and freedoms as outlined by the US Constitution.

I own rope. I know where trees are. Joseph Smith said, "The time will come when the destiny of this nation will hang upon a single thread" (Journal of Discourses, 7:15)

Is the thread really the rope that we will use to lynch the unbelievers? I apologize if my comments are offensive to anyone. It's just that I have never been privileged to attend a good hanging yet in my life. The whole Saddam execution video just doesn't cut it for me.

P.S. - No I am not blood thirsty. I actually have a very strong gag reflex when it comes to the flavor of blood and struggled to consume liver during my mission everytime it was served to me. Boiled liver is the best at completely shutting down my ability to swallow. I could manage to keep down fried liver as long as I had plenty of flavored beverage and other food to chase it with. My motto was: "On Liver I gag".

Armed Citizen said...

Jeremy......great 2 cents gag.

Dan, In god i trust. And God works through Man to bring about his plans. We must do. Mu Patriarchial blessing stated that I should defend the united States Constitution, that I was blessed to live under it. I will not fear offending anyone even though I will not try. We must counter the lies and propaganda of the devil and his hench men. Does that sound mean? I don't even think those who would strip this nation of the freedoms we possess do so completely out of blatant ties with the dark lord. I think they are slowly led down the path with sugar and honey under the guise of doing good. We have to start with the sheep. Those who blindly follow others. Teach them to "really see" what is happening and what this country really stands for. I reccommend William Bennetts America: The last best hope, Volumes 1 and 2. Great reads, but there are many others. We must not be silent.

Great post Dan!