The Washington Times reports that Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint by the Mexican Soldiers and that they left because he called for backup. The Arizona Republic reports that the agent spoke to them in Spanish and apparently they just left.
One thing I want to quote from each article and I would love to hear your comments on.
From Washington Times
It was unclear what the soldiers were doing in the United States, but U.S. law enforcement authorities have long said that current and former Mexican military personnel have been hired to protect drug and migrant smugglers.
"Unfortunately, this sort of behavior by Mexican military personnel has been going on for years," union Local 2544 of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) said on its Web page. "They are never held accountable, and the United States government will undoubtedly brush this off as another case of 'Oh well, they didn't know they were in the United States.'
From the Arizona Republic
In Washington, D.C., State Department spokesman Gonzalo Gallegos said the encounter "stemmed from a momentary misunderstanding as to the exact location of the U.S.-Mexican border."
ADDED INFO from the Local 2544 National Border Patrol Council in Tucson, AZ:
A Tucson Sector Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint by the Mexican military last night south of Ajo. Mexican military personnel crossed over the border and pointed rifles at him. Backup units arrived from the Ajo Border Patrol station, and the Mexican military personnel eventually returned to Mexico. Unfortunately, this sort of behavior by Mexican military personnel has been going on for years. They are never held accountable, and the United States government will undoubtedly brush this off as another case of "Oh well, they didn't know they were in the United States." A few years ago the Mexican military went a step further and put a .50 calibre rifle round through the rear window of a Border Patrol agent's patrol vehicle south of Ajo. Nothing was ever done. Nobody was ever held accountable. Particularly galling is the fact that the Mexican military often pulls these stunts in Humvees donated to them by the American taxpayers (although they were apparently on foot this time). We note that Border Patrol agents have historically driven worn-out, junk vehicles.
We will withhold further comment on this incident until we see how our leaders handle it. We don't have much confidence in most of them.
It is fortunate that this incident didn't end in a very ugly gunfight.
Read Washington Times article
Read Arizona Republic article
I would like to add to this post a few unrelated comments. I had hoped when I started this blog to get a little interaction with people that read it. By the dismal number of comments I get I have to assume that there is a reason for this. Some likely reasons are:
1. You don't agree with what I post
2. You do agree and don't feel the need to add your comments to it
3. You don't care about the issues one way or the other
4. I completely bore you
5. What I post makes no sense at all to you
Please whatever the reason if it is one of the above or a different reason, please make even a short comment. 'I agree' or 'I disagree' or 'why should I care?' or 'so?' or 'this is just a bunch of political tripe'. Just say something it would make me happy and I know you all care about my happiness.
I, in fact, DO care about your happiness. So I am here to say. Good Post Dan, I agree!!
I read your every post.
On my "Facebook" under political affiliation I put your blog address.
SO, I have a lot of mixed feelings and emotions when it comes to discussing foreigners that are here legally and even illegaly. Mixed enough that I try to be somewhat conservative about saying too much so as to not sound like an indecisive fool or "flip-flopper". Not to mention that when I do open up I don't know how to stop... ;o)
Having now qualified my comments my initial thought was... "hmmm... It is UNfortunate that this incident didn't end in a very ugly gunfight!"
Having served our missions in Spanish speaking nations, we have unique perspectives on what it is to live in a 3rd world poverty stricken environment. We know what it is like to struggle to communicate in a foreign tongue, and know how it feels to be a minority. At times I feel as if this entitles my opinions to be valued above those opinions of anyone who has not got the same life experiences, and yet I fear all it affords me is either being seen as a sympathizer or a racist depending on which side of the fence I am talking to.
I do not and will never agree with any opinions or views that somehow coming here illegally is in any way justified. We have laws just like the countries where we served our missions had laws. I was in Colombia LEGALLY! Yet I cannot cast any stones since I myself am guilty of benefiting from the presence of those seeking work while most definitely being here illegaly. Did I have my reservations about picking the laborers up to begin with? ... most definitely. Would I do it now? ... NO way. What has changed? I have come to the realization that by taking advantage of their presence to resolve my need to accomplish some task at an inexpensive rate is only fueling the problem. Employer Sanctions were long overdue! Those who cry too little too late or who feel the end result will only cause negative impacts across the board with regard to things such as the price of my lettuce, then they are the ones who will learn to adapt or die on the vine.
Just because we live in such a blessed nation doesn't mean we as citizens are entitled to prosperity. I have made enough decisions which in hindsite appear to have been wrong, but which ultimately were neither wrong nor right and unfortunately resulted in negative results. I have adapted and as much as it stinks to not have my own home at this time, I move forward, grateful that I have family to take me in. I have wondered if I were to migrate to a foreign land could I some how be more successful with my knowlege of Spanish and English. Luckily my circumstances have not left me feeling that such a move is my last resort. But even if things were to get that desperate, I have a healthy enough appreciation for the law, or maybe moreso a fear of corrupted law elsewhere, that I would never venture into a foreign land illeglay to pursue fortune.
If we have to go to war to settle the issues, then it must inevitably be the cycle of our cohabitation here on this earth. War has it's roots in premortality and in my opinion will continue throughout eternity as part of the process for determining who shall inherit the rights and priveleges and powers of becoming as our father in heaven.
Ether Chapter 8 speaks of contention over a kingdom including secret combinations which are not any different than what we are up against today. Moroni plainly commented about how those who buildeth up the secret combinations seek "to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil..." (Ether 8:25) And although the Lord does not "will that man should shed blood" (Ether 8:19), clearly his omniscience affords him the understanding that it is part of the process and therefore He "will not suffer that the blood of his saints... always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance ... and yet he avenge them not." (Ether 8:22)
Unfortunately, I feel that we will never end up with a political leader who will dare take these threats as serious as they are until those modern day secret combinations have attacked us on our soil in an epic proportion like unto Sept. 11th.
"Do what is right; let the consequence follow.
Battle for freedom in spirit and might;
And with stout hearts look ye forth till tomorrow.
God will protect you; then do what is right!"
Thank you Rhonda and randisue for your comments and continued support.
Now Jeremy that is the kind of comment that I really have been longing for - I get so few like this - A comment that really shows ones thoughts on a matter, whether they agree or disagree. It was a long and indepth look at your feelings and thoughts on the matter. I will most likely follow up with a full post regarding many of the things you have written. (Many of my posts already touch some of those things too, but I want to expound some)
With that said it may not be today that I get to that post. Hardest job I have with this blog is choosing a topic or 2 to write about and there is so much news everyday. I am afraid that WAR has trumped this topic for now. I will be posting about the Russian/Georgian conflict as it looks like it may spiral into a full on war. More on illegals latter.
thanks all again for your support
Yeah I am good for an occasional Blog Post as a comment. Usually it's mostly annoying jibberish that I am good for and general retardedness.
I agree with most of your comments Dan, if not all. As far as illegal immigration and the border goes. BUILD THE FLIPPING WALL! Can we be any clearer. The people have asked for it. Voted for it, twice. We even funded it, yet the liberal legislature blocks and stalls and waters down what passes into law. We have a bunch of sniveling liberal whiners who want to give the shirt off my back to someone else just because A>, they asked for it, B> they are poor, and C> I have a responsibility to work hard so I can provide for those that dont.
Actually, I think we can agree to agree on most topics Dan. I know I for sure like the insight and references you use to present your points.
One more thing. I also wish people would just take a moment and type something in a comment. Just to let you know they were there. Even if, especially if, they dissagree with something.
I was surprised to see Randi Sue comment...she lives in my stake and may have come across your blog from mine. Small world :)
Commenting...I have mixed feelings. I feel strongly that people who read blogs should take the time to comment. With that said, I don't feel like I always have the time to comment but still want to take the time to read (kind of a Catch-22).
I don't always agree with your posts but often I do. More often, I may agree with the concept but the overall tone of the post. I have a lot of political opinions, I feel it is my duty as a citizen to be involved but I am not comfortable with the angry tone that often emanates from yours and Jed's comments. (Makes me wonder if I would have been a good revolutionary patriot?). I think there are better ways to resolve conflicts than just ranting against the government.
So, I'm not always sure what to say...I don't like conflict, I don't like wondering if I'm going to offend someone by saying "Tone it down and go out and actually DO something about the problem"...I'm just not always sure what to comment about.
My view on politics is that I have a duty to study and pray about candidates locally and nationally and vote for the best. I have a duty to get involved locally (school boards and PTO, Laveen Community Council, etc.). And I have a duty to teach my children respect for our government, our flag, our military, our country--to teach them to be grateful to be an American. Beyond that...well, I follow the news, mostly keep my opinions to myself, and recognize that the most important job I have as a mother is to raise my children which doesn't leave me a lot of time for anything else.
Anywho--with regards to the Border situation. I am not a huge fan of building a wall actually (Berlin Wall, anyone?) but I do think something needs to be done...I just don't know what. I also think that if that many people are struggling to get into our country legally maybe we need to fix the problem at its root cause and make it easier to enter legally. After all, the majority of the people I know of who have entered the country illegally are not exactly hardened criminals.
{and now I have ignored Josh for too long and must go...}
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