I recently read in a statement (it is in Spanish) that on August 21, 2008 the Presidents of Mexico and Honduras (Calderon and Zelaya respectively) have agreed that immigrating is a basic human right and not a privilege. They lamented the stringent immigration policies of the United States and the European Union.
Read the full article here if you know Spanish
I have thought about this for a few days. My mind can't understand how anyone can seriously believe that to be true. We are not born with the right to immigrate to anyplace we choose. There must be rule of law. Countries have to be able to protect their sovereignty and without a defined border with define guidelines then sovereignty becomes unenforceable. A Driver's License is a privilege not a human right for crying out loud.
I start doing a search on Google for human rights and immigration and find numerous websites and blogs and pro bono legal etc that all talk about the violation of human rights when it comes to illegal immigrants. What about the violation to my rights? What about a violation to the rights of the immigrants that got here through legal channels? If things get rough for them because they decide to hop a few fences and cross a hot, arid desert is that my fault? What ever happened to being responsible for your own actions? Is it my fault if they get caught? Wake up people! I care a lot about the people of this planet. We are all brothers and sisters. We all have divine potential. We also all must be ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR OWN ACTIONS. That was capitalized for emphasis not for anger.
This is the greatest country on earth. I understand why people want to come here. That still does not excuse lawbreakers. Why should I reward those that break the law with Section 8 housing benefits, Food Stamps, AHCCCS Insurance, etc. Why should I reward those that conspire with criminals (ie human and drug traffickers) to gain 'safe' passage into this great land? What kind of mentality do we breed by not enforcing our borders and by dangling incentives in the form of welfare?
A legal immigrant will respect his new country. He will respect the laws. He has worked too hard to obtain his citizenship. He will take care of his community. An illegal immigrant has only a few cares and they are purely selfish. How can I get more money and how can I avoid getting caught. Even the most pure hearted illegal alien that is here just trying to live a better life has to have deception in their heart - they must always be trying to hide their status as a lawbreaker. They risk having their family torn apart. They risk so much. It is a shame and it is mournful. So it is a shame and mournful when a mother loses her children for drug use.
Again people need to learn accountability. Innocent people get hurt and become victims when people make bad decisions. FYI breaking the law is a bad choice. The ends DOES NOT justify the means.
Is immigration a human right? What do you think?
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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Immigration is not a human right.(notice I am not using exclamation points. This is the soft and sensitive Jed) What has happened is that we have become a people who are swayed by the agenda of the media. They will never show what illegal immigration really costs. On either side. What they do is find the sad story and tell it from the point of view of victim. We ARE compassionate people so we feel sorry and think to ourselves, 'why shouldn't they have what I have?' without even thinking about what they really did. What laws may have been broken, or who would have to foot the bill for this compassion. I believe in Us as a nation and people. I believe if someone works hard and contributes to society they should then have a say in said society. Those who do not should not benefit from the sweat and work of those who do. WE will always be a generous people ready to help those in need get on their fit. But not to stay on their hind ends waiting for my hard earned money. I(and you probably) end up paying for the beaurocracy and the people running the system and then pay those who live off welfare. This is not just nor right nor helping these individuals. Ask them, they will tell you they have it bad and they are being kept down. Take it all away and let them earn a living. It can be done. I did it. I supported a family on what seemed like nothing. We went without. But I worked and went after better jobs and made myself a better candidate for said jobs and sought the skills needed to improve find better jobs. And I did that because no one was handing me anything. I needed to earn it or I would have nothing. Do I have it great monetarily. No way, I want so much more. But it is me that has to do more not the government to decide I need what others have and they need to take from those who have and give to those who don't. Anyway, I swear this was not typed in anger, just exasperation. I don't think those who ignore the real problems and hope for things to 'just work out' will ever see the error of their way of thinking. And what is sad is that if they don't, we as a nation have the distinct possibility of self-imploding. Will my kids have the opportunity to succeed? Will their kids? Already todays world is bleaker because of how large our Government has gotten than when our parents were kids. More Govt only means more problems. I love this country. My disgust at the size and scope of the federal leviathin is patriotic and founded on my own study of what our founders wanted in a Government. I just want to bring us closer to that ideal. We are moving the wrong way and so many are turning a blind eye. Sorry Dan, I should have written my own post but now I don't have to.
God Bless America
Wow, I cant spell at all. Just to add to that last comment. I blame the Federal and state Governments for not taking a bigger tand against Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is tearing this nation apart and Dan, you are doing a good job of spotlighting it. I like many others have nothing aginst hard working folk. But if we were more concerned with how to stop the bleeding in Mexico and help out South of the Border Neighbor maybe these people could work hard in their own land and help build that country up. And if they want to come here, fine, but do it legally. Anyone who thinks more illegal immigration is good for America is seriously living in lala land.
Well I must say that those were quite the comments Jed! WOW! lol
No, immigration is not a human right. I agree with Jed about fixing the problem in Mexico..or at least stopping the flow HERE so that there's more pressure on the Mexican Govt to do something about their land for their people. Many, many Mexican citizens love their country, they don't want to be here (plenty are anti-US to be honest) but they come here because the conditions are so poor in their homeland and they want to support their families.
Having said that, we do NOT have room to house an entire country because their own government is letting them down. They need to stop being outraged about US immigration policies and start being outraged in their own country and get the conditions FIXED so we can all live a happy and safe existence!
And just so everyone keeps this in the forefront of their mind....these illegal male workers are leaving women and children in Mexico to live without a father..NONE OF THIS IS GOOD FOR THE FAMILY UNIT. Really, they need to concentrate on staging rallies in their homeland so they don't have to break the law, leave a portion of their family, and suck all the funds out of our public programs so that nothing is left for our own citizens.
One more thing I might add: I'm sick, sick, SICK of having ER's filled to the brim with illegals that are there to get stitches out and silly things like that. They do it because the hospital doesn't ask for the bill upfront and they can skip out on it. In the meantime I am a regular in the ER with a chronically ill child always having to wait behind needless ER visits by people who's bill *I* end up covering. If anyone has a beef with what I just said then they obviously don't have to continually witness this in hospitals like I have. Lucky them. Lucky, LUCKY them!
I have to laugh at the people who rallied to march here in Phoenix over the last several years.
I was driving East down McDowell coming from a redelivery to the CIGNA Clyde-Wright Facilty near Banner Good Samaritan Hospital and trying to make my way to a dialysis center on 24th St between the 202 and McDowell. ANyway, I was convinced there had to be an accident ahead with how thick traffic was. Nope! Just a bunch of people showing up to a rally/march.
Once I finally got to the dialysis center, I had less room than usual to maneuver the 24 ft box truck (straight truck, not tractor trailer but a semi none the less) into the parking lot for unloading due to the massive amounts of people who needed to park several miles aways from the gathering. When I was done with the delivery and was leaving I see the City of Phoenix Golf cart police like meter maid going to town writing tickets to all the illegally parked cars along the side of this street. What joy it brought to my soul to see that the mentality of those who support the law breakers is also that of a law breaker and they reap their reward in the form of a praking ticket!
So it gets tricky for me to grasp and comprehend what is inferred by the classifiaction of a human right since the phrase has been defiled in my opinion. Should someone have the right to apply for legal entry into a country and then migrate to that location? YES. Are immigrants entitled to seek refuge elsewhere for whatever reasons they feel necessary? YES, sure, why not? Are we obligated to allow them free reign if they do not maintain or obtain a legal status for being on our soil? NO NO NO!
Did the pilgrims have the right to sail the ocean and arrive here on this continent? Of Course. Did England agree? Not exactly. Did the Native Americans agree? Probably not. Anyone can correct me here if I am wrong since I am not the most avid historian. Did they have to fight for the ability, not right, to stay here? I believe so (or maybe I have watched Dances With Wolves or other movies one to many times and have a hollywood education causing me to think so). Do the Native Americans still to this day have their own land that we are not entitled to go live on? Yes, I have never heard of anyone applying for Native American citizenship and the right to go live on their reservations. They have some prime real estate that I wouldn't mind being entitled to live on.
So maybe that's what it will come down to. We will have to go to battle with the immigrants and if they win then we will scale back our territorial possesions and allow them to take over the parts of the land that they see fit but they must leave us our cities and already settled regions and cannot live therein.
Oh wait. LOL. That will never happen! We will always win that battle with our high tech machines of warfare! OK, so in the meantime they can keep on whining about it since that is all that they can really do. The minute they try to take up arms against us they will be hewn down by the awesome might of the US war machine!
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