Monday, June 30, 2008

The Role of Government

Let us think back - far back, so far back you can't remember, so far back you have to read about it... I am talking about the Premortal Existence. We know that there was a Council and that the major purpose of the Council was to announce the Father's Plan of Salvation and to determine who would become the Savior of mankind. We know of two that stepped forward to volunteer: Jehovah and Lucifer. In Moses 3:1-2 we read that Lucifer wanted to COERCE us into obeying Father and not one soul would be lost, in return Lucifer would demand God's glory.

We see a pattern on earth that follows Lucifer's example. People wanting to COERCE us into doing good (or what THEY deem is good) and in return they gain in power and glory - at least in the temporary, earthly sphere. Often these people are in public office. They want to force you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, bind up the wounds of the afflicted, and save the planet. Is it not a righteous and worthy cause to feed the hungry? So what is so wrong about government welfare? What really is the role of government?

Going back to the Council in Heaven we see that all mankind is given 2 gifts from God. The God given gifts should be protected at all costs. Those gifts are Agency (our FREEDOM to choose and act) and our physical bodies. The role of government should be to protect those gifts - to protect us from harm and to preserve the rights and freedoms of its citizens. We also all have property and that is another function of the government is to protect our property. These are rights and freedoms we are all born with and many times mankind strives to take those away.

The US government was created and given power by the people and for the people. We shouldn't allow it to become greater than its creators. Unfortunately it already has. We must still work to prevent the government from getting even more bureaucratic and overburdened. We are continually losing more and more personal freedoms. Many times when it comes time to vote it is difficult to determine what is right or wrong. It does help to ask yourself one question and that is "do I have the right to force my neighbor to do X, Y, or Z?" If you don't then how can the government that derives its power from its citizens have the right to do so? We have the right to protect our freedoms, lives, and properties and so we can collectively transfer those rights to the government. We can't collectively transfer power that we don't have as individuals. Can I force my neighbor to use bio fuels or switch to fluorescent lights? If I can't then how I can I authorize the government to do so? It is against the laws of God and it defies the inspired document that is the ultimate authority in this great land - The Constitution of the United States.

We must chose liberty, we must stop delegating our responsibilities to others via the government. We must say no to coercion like we did in the Council so long ago.

Patrick Henry said at the end of his speech March 23, 1775, "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"

Nephi wrote, "Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself. "

If we think the planet needs saving then we can do it ourselves. If we think that the hungry need feed then we can do it with our time and energy or by donating to charities we deem worthy. If we don't like cigarette smoke then we can go to establishments that don't allow smoking. But don't force me to do it and don't force my neighbors to do it. I would rather have my tax dollars go towards paying for national defense, and police force, and border patrol, etc than towards special interests, bureaucracies, and the pockets of others.

What do you think the role of government should be? Do you agree or disagree with limited government?


Tanner said...

I agree completeley and in fact wrote a report in school about it. And unless we keep a balance in the government it will continue to lure away from the people and towards tyranny and towards total government control which is against the whole purpose of the Constitution which is what created the union between the states. In other words, the very document that pulled us together is somewhat being ignored.

Anonymous said...

Dan, I think I realize why I like talking to you so much. You make way too much sense! Why can there not be more common sense in the world. Now, while you may be smart, I am not and I can see the problems with our society and government and they direction we are moving. I really enjoyed your cross refrences with scriptural quotes. Dan---You really are the MAN!