Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Be A Square

Be A Square... The sound of it is kinda funny. It is 'antiquated' speech. What does it mean? It is the title of a talk given by Ezra Taft Benson. In this talk to the youth (MIA program) he quotes a Scouting magazine article written by Charles H Brower:

Back in Mark Twain's day, 'square' was one of the finest words in our language. You gave a man a square deal if your were honest. And you gave him a square meal when he was hungry. When you got out of debt you were square with the world. And that was when you could look your fellow man squarely in the eye.


It is easy to prove that Nathan Hale, Patrick Henry, Paul Revere, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and almost every one else you care to include among our national heroes was a square. Think what they might have said had they not been squares.

Nathan Hale: Me spy on the British! Are you kidding? Do you know what they do with spies they catch? I'll give you a flash, chum, they hang them.

Paul Revere: What do you mean, ride through every Middlesex village? And in the middle of the night yet. Why me? AM I the only man in Boston who has a horse?

Patrick Henry: Sure I'm for liberty - first, last and always. But we've got to be a little realistic. We're a pretty small outfit. If we start pushing the British around someone is going to get hurt.

George Washington: Gentlemen, I am honored. But try someone else - say General Gates. I'm just getting things organized at Mount Vernon. Also you might say I already served my time. Against the French, you know.

Benjamin Franklin: What we really need as Ambassador to France is a young man. I'm over 70 years old. It's time a new generation took over.

Well I don't know about you all but I could sure use a few better choices at the ballot box. Someone who was a 'square' would be very refreshing right about now.


Rhonda said...

Honestly I think our choices right now are REAL BAD (Obama) and not quite as bad (McCain)

Stinks but it's reality.

scrappiemom said...

Totally agree.